Monthly Balanced Billing
Our balanced billing program is designed to take the guesswork out of propane costs. Customers pay the same amount each month, no matter if usage goes up. This will make your heating costs manageable, predictable, and hassle-free.
Want to learn more about balanced billing or how United Quality Cooperative
can help you figure out your household’s propane needs? Contact us today!
How does it work?
Your payment is calculated by estimating your annual propane usage based on the previous year or expected energy needs. The balanced billing program runs for one year with 11 equal monthly payments starting in June and ending in April. The 12th month (May) is the settlement month.
If you have a balance, you will receive a statement at your billing address reflecting the remaining amount due. If you have paid more than your total deliveries we will credit your account for the amount that has been overpaid.
**Balanced billing customer must be enrolled for automatic payments**
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the balanced billing price per gallon the actual price I will pay for all fuel deliveries?
Yes, except for summer fill. The price per gallon that your balanced billing payment is computed on is the fixed price for the year. However, balanced billing customers will still receive summer fill prices for June and July [your monthly payment stays the same].
What happens at the end of May if I have extra money in my account, do I lose it?
No! Any remaining credit balances can either be applied to the new (next) balanced billing cycle or it can be refunded to you directly upon request.
Do I need to order my propane?
No. Your tank will be part of the Regularly Scheduled Delivery (RSD) program. United Quality Cooperative will schedule deliveries and keep your tank full year-round via a monitor on your tank.
Will my payment change next year?
Your payment can change year-to-year depending on the previous year’s gallons, but customers will be notified and will have to approve any increase or decrease in the monthly payment.
What happens if I sell my home or move away in the middle of the year?
Any credit balances at the time the account is closed can be refunded to the customer directly upon their request. Any outstanding balances due must be paid in full.
Can I have a fixed price contract while on balanced billing?
No, Balanced billing is already in the form of a fixed price contract. You cannot partake in prepaid contracts and balanced billing.
How do I make my monthly balanced billing payment?
Setting up auto-withdrawal payments from your bank account is required. You can pay online via My grower using your checking account or pay in cash at the business office prior to the 25th of the month to avoid withdrawing from your bank. If these options are absolutely unavailable, you can make your monthly payment by credit card, but will be assessed a 7% card processing fee per transaction.