Bulk Fuel Services
Many industries rely on a steady supply of bulk fuel to keep their business running optimally. Whether it’s a large construction project, oilfield site, power plant, or trucking company, we provide timely fuel at competitive pricing.
Cenex Gasolines
Cenex Gasolines are formulated to keep your fuel system—and our air—clean. Our quality gasoline works hard to deliver optimum engine performance. With Cenex-brand gasoline you’ll benefit from:
Better fuel economy
More power
Quicker starts
A smoother running engine
Reduced emissions
Prevention of rust and corrosion inside the fuel system
Cenex Gasolines are sold at 1,400 retail locations
Cenex RoadMaster XL
Every gallon of Cenex Roadmaster XL® Premium Highway Diesel Fuel contains a special additive to meet the tough demands of today’s engine technology.
In engines designed to meet new Environmental Protection Agency emission standards, increased pressure and temperatures can literally “cook” typical #2 diesel fuel, resulting in injector/filter problems, reduced efficiency and costly repairs. We are proud to offer a premium fuel that helps alleviate this problem experienced in modernized diesel engines (2007 models and newer).
Cenex Roadmaster XL is also designed to optimize performance and reduce downtime in all diesel engines. In fact, no other diesel fuel contains a more complete, balanced and quality additive package. Compared to typical #2 diesel fuel, Cenex Roadmaster XL:
Improves fuel economy by as much as 5 percent
Increases power by up to 4.5 percent
Boosts lubricity by 10-15 percent
Extends life of injectors/injector pumps
Lowers maintenance costs
Has a higher cetane number (typically 48)
Helps prevent fouling issues (in 2007 and newer engines)
Cenex Roadmaster XL is an investment that pays for itself with better performance, less downtime and increased efficiency. Get the diesel fuel that’s proven and tested to deliver precisely what fleets, fleet managers and drivers need.
Cenex Ruby Fieldmaster
Announcing newly enhanced Cenex Ruby Fieldmaster® Soy-Enhanced Premium Diesel Fuel – containing a special additive to meet the needs of today’s engine technologies.
In engines designed to meet new Environmental Protection Agency emission standards, increased pressure and temperatures can literally “cook” typical #2 diesel fuel, resulting in injector/filter problems, reduced efficiency and costly repairs. We are proud to offer a premium fuel that helps alleviate this problem, often experienced in modernized diesel engines (2007 models and newer).
Ruby Fieldmaster also optimizes performance and fuel efficiency, while reducing downtime and maintenance costs, in all diesel engines. In fact, no other diesel fuel contains a more complete, balanced and quality additive package. Compared to typical #2 diesel fuel, Ruby Fieldmaster:
Improves fuel economy by as much as 5 percent
Increases power by up to 4.5 percent
Boosts lubricity by 10-15 percent
Extends life of injectors/injector pumps
Reduces maintenance costs
Has a higher cetane number (typically 48)
Helps prevent fouling issues (in 2007 and newer engines)
Ruby Fieldmaster is a true premium diesel that’s expressly formulated to handle the rugged challenges of farming – from unrelenting time constraints to grueling loads and heavy PTO demands. That’s why leading producers have relied on its proven benefits for decades. It’s an investment that pays for itself, plus it’s backed by the best warranty of its kind in agriculture.
Bulk Delivery Services
Bulk delivery 300 – 5000 gallons
Transport delivery 5000-11,500 gallons
Automated Fuel Delivery
Oilfield filling service
Electronic tank monitoring
Bulk storage tanks from 500 gallons to 15,000 gallons
Our Fuels
Dyed Diesel, Off road application
Fieldmaster, Premium off road Diesel
Clear Diesel, On road application
Roadmaster, Premium on road Diesel
UL 87 w/ Ethanol
91 PUL / No Ethanol

Automated Fuel Delivery
Are you tired of constantly checking your bulk tank gauge and worrying about running out of fuel, during the busiest time of the season? Are you frustrated by playing the ever-volatile fuel market, worrying if you will buy at the right time? Relax. With United Quality Cooperative’s Automated Fuel Delivery system (AFD) with Deferred Billing, you never have to monitor tank levels or order fuel again and you will have fuel in your tanks when you need it, at a good price.
Here are some answers to our customers’ most common questions about AFD.
How does Automated Fuel Deliver work? How do you know when to deliver my fuel?
A fuel sensor and electronic tank monitoring system are installed in your fuel tank. When the fuel drops to a predetermined level, a refill signal goes to your fuel distribution center. A truck is automatically sent to fill your tank.
How would automatic delivery benefit me?
The short answer is: peace of mind. You will have fuel in your tank when your operations require it. With Automated Fuel Delivery, you’ll spend less time worrying, checking tanks and waiting for deliveries. We take care of that for you. You’ll also get added benefits like reduced price volatility and the ability to check tank levels and fuel use from an online portal.
What is average monthly pricing (Deferred Billing)?
With average monthly pricing/Deferred Billing, the price you pay for fuel is equal to the 30-day average price of fuel for the billing cycle in which you actually use the fuel. You don’t need to worry about where the market will go next or have to wait for the price to drop. Plus, you always have the option to own the fuel in your tank at any time if you like the current market price range.
Is this program only for large operations?
No, the AFD program benefits all sizes of farms and commercial businesses. Regardless of size of the business or tanks, customers can take advantage of the benefits of AFD and always have a reliable supply of fuel without the hassle of checking tanks and ordering fuel.
Is the program flexible?
Yes. We will work with you to customize the program to fit your operations needs. In working with a Energy Team member you can determine your minimum tank level, schedule delivery times, forward contract, buy out inventory already in your tank or use numerous price strategies to lock in favorable prices. You maintain total control over your fuel supply management, and you can log onto a website 24/7 to check your tank levels and your current and historical fuel usage.